
The Future Is Tech Witches

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I'm Jade Scarfone.
A digital strategist and transformation catalyst, merging a decade of corporate systems mastery with a profound journey of self-discovery. From navigating the high-stakes world of banking to making waves in high-ticket affiliate marketing, I'm now dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs through strategic digital innovations. 

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Bridging technology, embodiment and magic.. why Tech Witches are a necessary part of the world’s evolution.

Why do I believe the future is Tech Witches? I was tagged in a post today from an entrepreneur asking the following question.

One of our Tech Witch graduates tagged me in the conversation. This is something I’ve been speaking to for a while now.

As technology continues to evolve, the demand for Tech Witches is only going to increase. Especially in the realm of spiritual entrepreneurs. These people didn’t start. business because they want to spend all their time trying to figure out tech and systems.

They want to show up, share their potent transmissions, and do the work of transforming lives.

For those of us who are tech and systems-inclined, we will always have work. For those who are not, they get to hire us so they don’t have to waste time learning skills that don’t come naturally to them.

It prompted me to write this post and delve deeper into this subject.

We can’t ignore technology so the future is Tech Witches

The world is getting more and more fast paced…

Technology is advancing by the day

You can either learn how to play the game

Welcome it into your embrace

Use it in your unique way

To effect change

Or watch as everything you love gets stripped away


This was something I wrote while I was riding the metro in Paris. Something about riding in trains on those dark, underground tunnels sparked a lot of inspiration within me.

It brought up some very Matrix-esque vibes.

Now I know the last line of the poem is a bit dramatic… I just wanted to continue the flow of the rhyme.

But you get my drift, right?

Just like money in the hands of good people is better for the world. So too is technology.

Technology isn’t going anywhere, so rather than condemn it, why not learn how to use it to spread messages you’re passionate about?

Magic. Embodiment. Spirituality. Rites of passage. Mythology. Ritual. Nature. These are all important to me. But I also know we can’t escape technology. So rather than run from it in fear, I choose to embrace it. Use it as a way to bring these powerful messages to wider audiences. Bring my skills to those whose messages I believe in and support them to reach more people.

That’s how we can make more of a difference. Not preaching to our echo chambers, but reaching those who are ready and in need of these transformational practices. Especially with the world in such a state of disarray, so many people need to be supported in their awakening and healing journeys. And Tech Witches are here to support those who hold these spaces.

We’re all about bringing magic and technology together. 🧙‍♀️✨

Talk numbers to me

As of October 2023, there are 4.95 billion social media users around the world equating to 61.4% of the total global population.

Facebook (3 billion users) and YouTube (2.5 billion users) are the most used social media platforms. Instagram isn’t far behind with 2 billion users.

But, even though Facebook and YouTube may have bigger audiences… when it comes to ROI, Instagram is the key winner for social selling.

When we look at people’s main reasons for using social media, many are still just using it as a social platform and many are using it to kill time or find news.

We could argue that people who use social media for these reasons alone, tend to lean towards those statistics that are more susceptible to mental health concerns.

According to this Forbes article, research shows that there is a correlation between social media use and depression. And 67% of adolescents report feeling worse about their own lives as a result of social media use. Those who spend more than three hours per day on social media have an increased risk of mental health struggles.

This article from Mysa speaks to the different effects on mental health based on each generation and their particular way of engaging with social media.

So if you’re a facilitator who can support people, wouldn’t it be beneficial to know how to reach them when they’re on social media doom scrolling? (not in a predatory way, but in a genuinely nurturing way).

Back to the graph. We can also see many people use social media to meet people and connect with their favourite brands, and there’s a smaller percentage using it for work. What this shows me, is that to those of us who are in entrepreneurial networks, sometimes it might seem like the market is saturated and every second person is selling the same thing. But that’s just because we haven’t expanded our networks far enough.

Many people who are running their businesses are busy wearing all the hats so sometimes figuring out systems, tech & marketing becomes an afterthought. This is why working with Tech Witches who specialise in various areas of this puzzle is going to be beneficial as technology continues to evolve.

Other sources for statistics: ForbesData ReportalSprout Social and Statista.

And what about AI?

Circling back to the initial question that sparked this post. Let’s talk AI.

To answer this question, first, let’s get clear on what AI is. To assist me in explaining this I thought who better to ask than AI itself? So here’s what ChatGPT had to say…

Notice how it’s put a magical spin on the description… this is because I’ve had enough conversations with this program now that it recognises my tone and brings it through.

This is just one example of how we can work together with AI.

Statistics compiled by Hootsuite show ChatGPT reached 100 million users faster than any other app. I wouldn’t rely on ChatGPT to write content for me, but I enjoy having conversations and using it to support me with rewording headings and giving me ideas to develop further.

But here’s the thing… I’ve spent a lot of time learning how to speak the language and getting it to understand me and my business. If you don’t know how to prompt it then it’s not going to be very useful.

And ChatGPT isn’t the only AI tool, so how do you keep up with all the different tools and their uses? And how do you know which ones are going to be beneficial to your business and goals?

According to this article from Bain & Company “no company can afford to sit back and watch how its competitors and vendors deploy generative AI. The rapid adoption of this technology is changing the basis of competition, and senior leaders should be acting now to understand its strategic implications. Most companies will need to invest significantly in talent to take advantage of generative AI…”

This article from Martech details the top five things hindering AI adoption:

  1. Limited AI skills, expertise or knowledge (34%), 
  2. Price is too high (29%),
  3. Lack of tools or platforms to develop models (25%), 
  4. Projects are too complex or difficult to integrate and scale (24%), 
  5. Too much data complexity (24%). 

As we can see; limited skills, lack of tools and too much complexity are some of the key reasons for people not adopting these tech advances. This is where it becomes important to work with Tech Witches who understand how to navigate these tools and systems. Especially when it comes to systemising and automating business so you can expand reach and improve overall customer experiences.

Further sources for AI statistics can be found at WebFXHubspot and Influencer Marketing Hub.

Ok, but what’s a Tech Witch?

A Tech Witch is a bridge between the magical and the technological worlds. A masterful weaver of spells in the form of content, creativity, and connections. Tech Witches possess the innate ability to infuse the digital realm with magic. Supporting visionary leaders to make the mystical tangible and accessible to those seeking to experience this transformative wisdom.

She’s sassy. She’s savvy. And she’s far from ordinary.

She’s embodied. She’s brilliant. And super efficient.

She doesn’t just listen, she feels. 

She uses her intuition to execute your vision.

Connected to the earth she’ll help you birth your mission. 

Taking it from ethereal to material in no time.

She’s magical and mystical but loves to get logistical. 

Spreadsheets, pipelines, funnels and sequences are her language of love. 

She’s not afraid of the dark. Instead, she uses it to fuel her creative spark. 

Sexuality. Embodiment. Facing shadows… it’s all in a day’s work. 

She’ll see you for your humanness and help you navigate the mess. 

She’s a Tech Witch who embraces the chaotic ride. And if you’re a spiritual influencer you’ll want her by your side. 

The Future IS Tech Witches

In the ever-accelerating march of technological progress, Tech Witches emerge as essential architects of innovation and growth, wielding a unique blend of technical acumen and creative sorcery. These enchantresses play a vital role as the curators of transformative ideas and the weavers of digital spells that propel movements forward.

Tech Witches, with their intuitive grasp of technology and magical ability to infuse creativity into the digital realm, become the catalysts for evolution in business. They understand the future is not merely about striving for success. But requires imagination, empathy, heart, inclusivity, ethics, and cutting-edge technological prowess.

As businesses strive to stay ahead in an era defined by rapid change, Tech Witches become the pioneers of transformation.

In essence, Tech Witches are the magicians who conjure the future of business. Their presence is not just desired; it is essential for brands aspiring to thrive in an ever-evolving world. In embracing the talents of these modern enchantresses, businesses not only secure a competitive edge but also contribute to the broader narrative of progress, ushering in an era where technology and creativity dance hand in hand toward a brighter, more enchanted future.

The Future is Tech Witches - image depicts 3 tech witches standing together in a magical setting

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