
5 Lies You’re Telling Yourself About Building a Personal Brand

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When it comes to building a personal brand there’s a lot of lies and limiting beliefs that hold us back. And today I’ll be discussing 5 of those lies you’re telling yourself about building a personal brand.

Because really they’re just excuses. Our ego convincing us not to show up because it’s scary and we prefer to stick to what’s comfortable.

I know, because at one time or another I used them all.

But I realised I had an important message to share, and people to help. And I couldn’t do that if I was too afraid to show up.

So I got over my fear, pushed through the comfort zones and just started to show up.

It was scary, it was uncomfortable, but it was also definitely worth it.

And that’s why I’m so passionate about encouraging others to show up for themselves as well.

So today I wanted to share what 5 of those big lies are and how to overcome them.

When it comes to building a personal brand there’s a lot of lies and limiting beliefs that hold us back. In this post I'm breaking down 5 lies you're telling yourself about building a personal brand and letting you know how to overcome them.

5 Lies You’re Telling Yourself About Building a Personal Brand

Lie # 1 – I’m too old

This is one of the oldest lies in the book. The truth is you’re never too old (or too young for that matter) to go for your dreams.

If you have a dream in your heart. Then no matter your age, you deserve to chase it.

I know of so many people that think their time has passed by and so they just don’t try. On the flip side, I know many people who have decided to trust in themselves and go for it. And they’ve had incredible success.

One lady I used to work closely with in my affiliate marketing business was a 50+ nurse and she dreamed of retiring early to travel the world. A few years into the business and she did just that. Now she and her husband travel all over the world inspiring and teaching others how to do the same.

But imagine how many other people her age wouldn’t have had the guts to do it if they didn’t see her do it first. She had a dream, she believed in herself. And now she has inspired countless others to go for theirs too.

Never underestimate the power of your message. No matter your age, you deserve to share your voice. The world needs you to.

Lie # 2 – I’m not qualified enough

This is a big one that held me back for such a long time. I was brought up with the idea that you have to go to school, go to uni, get a degree and get a good job. So when I came online I still thought you needed to have a certain amount of qualifications in order for people to trust in you and want to learn from you.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Think of all the college dropouts that have had huge success in this realm. (Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg just to name a few).

The truth is, the online world is the perfect platform for a lot of these people because it’s unconventional. Just because they didn’t follow what society deems is normal, doesn’t mean they didn’t have lots of value to bring to the world. And look at the incredible things a lot of these people have accomplished.

So there’s no reason why you can’t do this too. If you’re passionate and you’re in it for the right reasons, and you have skills that others want to learn from you, then that’s more than enough.

Need further justification? Here’s an article that confirms 15 college dropouts that have gone on to do mega inspiring things.

Lie # 3 – I’m too (fat, skinny, ugly…)

You fill in the blank. This is one of those awful lies that so many of us use to hold ourselves back. I know because I went through this phase last year as well. I was at my heaviest weight, and while I still kept showing up, I didn’t truly feel like myself and my heart wasn’t really in it because I didn’t feel worthy enough.

So I did the inner work to find the love and value I deserve. Self love and body love do take work, but when you show up from that space you can truly create magic.

And the truth is, nobody else is noticing all the flaws and imperfections you see. They’re seeing a beautiful person that is showing up to speak her truth.

When you show up inspired, passionate, full of love, and totally aligned with your vision and values. That is powerful, that is magnetic, and that’s what people are attracted to.

So please don’t ever feel like you need to wait to look a certain way. Show up right now, because you are special and unique and the world needs your gifts.

Lie # 4 – I don’t have enough money

This is another huge lie. People make up this idea in their head that building a personal brand has to be really expensive.

You see all the super successful personal brands with their fancy videos, photographers, stylists, websites and ads. And you think you need all of that too.

It’s nice to work up to that and it certainly does elevate your brand when you can work with professionals. But the only way to get to that point, is to get started.

All those names that you’re looking up to now. They started where you are.

No audience, no platform, no fancy equipment. They just had a message they wanted to share and so they started sharing. And as their voices grew, so did their budgets.

So the exact same thing can happen to you. But you have to start first.

If you don’t know how to get started. Watch my recent video about how to start a personal brand on a budget. I have lots of tips that prove just how you can start working on your personal brand without spending lots.

Lie # 5 – I don’t have the time

Ok, this one is a biggie. And while you may be telling yourself you don’t have the time, the real thing going on is that you don’t have the energy to show up.

You know it’s important. You want it badly. But energetically you’re drained. And maybe it’s because you’re making it out to be a bigger and harder task than it actually is (usually to do with any of the other lies listed above).

Everyone has 24 hours in their day. It’s how you choose to use yours that matters. Work with what you’ve got. Even if you can only show up for a few minutes to do one post, or an IG story. Something is always better than nothing.

Look at your day, see where you have gaps and schedule time in if you have to. You don’t have to do every single thing. Just start with what you can manage and work you’re way up.

The more your brand grows, the more you’ll want to show up because you’ll start to enjoy the process.

And there you have it, 5 lies you’re telling yourself about building a personal brand, and how to overcome them.

I did make a video on this topic as well, however I only covered the first 4. If you want to watch it you can do so below.

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When it comes to building a personal brand there’s a lot of lies and limiting beliefs that hold us back. But really they’re just excuses. Our ego convincing us not to show up because it’s scary and we prefer to stick to what’s comfortable. I know, because at one time of another I used them all. But I realised I had an important message to share, and people to help. And I couldn’t do that if I was too afraid to show up. So I got over my fear, pushed through the comfort zones and just started to show up. It was scary, it was uncomfortable, but it was also definitely worth it. And that’s why I’m so passionate about encouraging others to show up for themselves as well. So today I wanted to share what 4 of those big lies are and how to overcome them. Also, I missed one of the biggest ones (I don’t have time). But I guess that one speaks for itself. A lot of us have way more time now and I’ve already spoken about that a great deal. So if this has been something that was holding you back, I highly encourage you to just go for it. P.s. I mention getting my branding checklist but since recording this video I’ve changed the link in my bio to my course waitlist. You can get the checklist here: jadescarfone.com/boss-branding-checklist Or better yet, you can join the waitlist for my upcoming course and allow me to help you break through all of these limiting beliefs and create a truly magical personal brand. Anyone on the waitlist will be eligible for an exclusive prelaunch discount. So what are you waiting for? Go to the link in my bio to register your interest. And together let’s create magic. ???

A post shared by Jade | Personal Branding Coach (@justjadescarfone) on

I hope you enjoyed these tips. And if you need some further support with building your personal brand, why not download my free checklist which breaks down all the things you can do to build a powerful personal brand.

Better yet, why not register for the waitlist of my upcoming course and allow me to help you break through all these limiting beliefs so you can create a truly magical brand. Anyone on the waitlist will be eligible for an exclusive prelaunch discount.

As usual, thanks for reading. And if you enjoyed this post please feel free to like, comment and/or share. Your support means the world to me.

Jade xo

When it comes to building a personal brand there’s a lot of lies and limiting beliefs that hold us back. In this post I'm breaking down 5 lies you're telling yourself about building a personal brand and letting you know how to overcome them.

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