
Everything is Figureoutable – Key Takeaways from meeting Marie Forleo

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Last night I had one of the most surreal and incredible experiences. I got to meet Marie Forleo while she’s touring Australia for her Everything is Figureoutable book launch. So I wanted to share my key takeaways from the event.

I got to meet Marie Forleo while she's touring Australia for her Everything is Figureoutable book launch so I wanted to share my key takeaways.

At the start of this year I wrote down my goals, as you do. But they weren’t the standard “I’m gonna lose weight blah blah blah.” type goals.

No. I wrote big crazy ones that I had no idea how I was going to even achieve.

And one of them was to meet Marie Forleo. I had no idea how I was going to be able to meet her, she doesn’t really do a lot of events. And she’s never done one in Australia. So when was I ever going to get close to making this happen?

But I wrote it down anyway. Because you just never know.

And lo and behold. About a month ago I received an email from Marie announcing her international tour for her Everything is Figureoutable book launch.

And Australia was one of the countries on her list. So of course I made sure I secured myself a ticket, and last night the time finally came for me to meet this fabulous human.

I had such a ball meeting her, chatting to her, hugging her, and learning from her.

Oh, and can I just point out, she LOVED my top. Talk about chuffed!

Ok, so let’s talk about the key takeaways….


That’s really all there is to it. End of blog post. Lol

Ok, so there’s more to it than that. And this is exactly what we spent the evening talking about.

She dispelled the myths. Shut down the skeptics. And proved, that everything really is figureoutable.

And if it’s not then it’s usually due to one of these 3 rules:

  • All problems and dreams are figureoutable.
  • If a problem isn’t figureoutable it isn’t a problem – it’s a fact of life. (e.g. dying is a fact of life, we know that is inevitable, so that doesn’t come into play. What we do with our lives to ensure we live to the fullest before we die is what’s figureoutable).
  • You may not care deeply enough about the problem to figure it out. If something’s not working out, it’s not that it’s not figureoutable. It’s usually that you’re not passionate enough to do what it takes to figure it out, which is totally ok. You just need to find out what you are passionate about and then focus on that because you will figure it out.

Check Your Language

The 3 biggest excuses we give when we aren’t able to do something are:

  • Not enough time
  • Not enough money
  • Not enough know how

And most people will look at these excuses and tell themselves, and others, they can’t do something.

However, there’s a very big difference between can’t and won’t. 99% of the time when we say we can’t do something, it’s really a euphemism for we won’t do it. Meaning we just don’t want it bad enough

Which is totally fine.

But, when we say we can’t, we are accepting ourselves as being powerless. And this is a lie.

Instead, we should look at ourselves honestly and say “you know what, I just don’t want to do …” or “it’s just not a priority for me right now”.

This way of thinking doesn’t make us lazy. It makes us honest.

And through this honesty we claim back the power over our minds by confirming we are in control. Because we are making this choice not to do something.

Because whenever you do actually want something the money, time, or know how are never an issue.

I don’t know about you, but this definitely rings true for me. There’s been times when I’ve been so busy and stressed, but still found time to wake up earlier and work towards my goals. Or I didn’t have enough money for something, but then an opportunity to travel came up and I was able to instantly come up with the money because that’s something I value above most things.

So you see, when you use more empowered language you take back the control. And you can tell yourself how powerful you are. And if you really want something bad enough, you can most definitely make it happen.

Now let’s talk about FEAR

I absolutely loved her take on this. Above all it’s up to us to recognise that fear is not the enemy.

This is the way we’ve been programmed because our minds don’t know how to distinguish when fear is a good thing or a bad thing. So we always revert to avoiding anything we’re afraid of because that’s the standard reaction.

But, fear can be considered as a GPS for where your soul mot wants to go. When listened to, it can be directive and helpful.

And this was my favourite part… Marie spoke about fear as being a friend that doesn’t have language skills. It’s only tool is to make us feel something, and often we’ve been misinterpreting the message.

But, if you start to think about it differently…

When you’re faced with something creative or exciting, instead of saying RUN. The feeling of fear is actually saying “OMG, it’s so good, do it, pay attention!” Whatever is in front of you is massively important for your soul’s growth.

There’s many acronyms for FEAR. But Marie described it as Face Everything And Rise which I absolutely love.

So learn to face those fears, because everyone feels afraid. And most often it’s when you’re on the precipice of huge growth.

Everything’s been done before

This was another great topic I loved! When you accept that there’s not really any new ideas in the world, but you have a different way of interpreting and presenting them, then your life will absolutely change.

The key here is to stop worrying about what other people think. Too much comparison stops us from expressing the real us.

But no-one who is ahead of you will ever look down and judge you. So if you are worried about criticism, take a look at the messenger. Is it something you respect? Does that person have what you want? If not, don’t let their negativity poison your soul.

And if there are other people out there doing what you’re doing, it doesn’t matter. They don’t have the same voice or delivery as you. They don’t have the same experiences as you. You are one unique person and there will never ever be another you.

So if you haven’t done something in your voice, then it hasn’t been done.

Sometimes, you can hear the same thing over and over but it won’t sink in until you hear it in a particular way from a particular person. So, you could be that voice to someone that needs it.

Don’t let others stop you from fulfilling what you feel called to do. Your chemistry is unique and irreplaceable. And you have something important to contribute to the world.

Life isn’t forever

Ok, so this is where Marie got a little weird and told us she’s already planned her passing party. But you know what, it actually makes sense. And I love her so much that even this semi morbid detail wouldn’t stop me from listening to her.

Plus she’s not the first person that I’ve heard this concept from. Because the truth is, once you come to terms with the fact that you aren’t immortal, and one day you will leave this earth, it really helps you to get stuff done!

Whenever you put off working on a dream because you’re waiting for tomorrow, next week, next year… think about how that is one day, week, year closer to you not being here.

And once you start looking at life in that way, you will want to feel and be alive and do everything in your power to LIVE in the moment right now.

The key to truly doing this is to build in joy and fun into your day because that will help you keep energy levels up. Life wasn’t meant to be taken so serious. When you’re enjoying it and doing what you love, everything just works out.

And that’s the concept.

Everything is figureoutable.

Now, all you need to do is to keep repeating that over and over. And if you ever start to doubt anything, go back to those 3 principles I mentioned at the start and check yourself.

Need more on this? Watch my video below…

Or better yet, get the book for yourself and hear the words straight from Marie’s mouth (well from the pages she’s written on).

Now, go out and create the life of your dreams.

Jade xo

P.S. If you like what you’ve read feel free to like, comment, or share. Your time reading my posts is greatly appreciated.

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  1. Thanks for sharing your top takeaways with us Jade. I love the 3 rules and the bit about being aware of our language using can’t and won’t!

    • jadescarfone says:

      Oh you’re so welcome, glad you enjoyed it. Yes she gives such great advice. And it’s crazy how much I was using those words without even realising. I’m loving the book!