
Why you should use Tailwind to automate your Pinterest growth

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Struggling to grow on Pinterest? Here’s all the reasons why you need to be using Tailwind to automate your Pinterest growth.

First things first, if you don’t know what Tailwind is read my recent post about the best tool for Pinterest growth.

Now that we’ve got that covered let’s talk about why you should be using Tailwind to automate your Pinterest growth.

Lazy Saturday mornings

You know what I’m talking about. Those lazy mornings where you’re laying in bed and decide to take a little look at Pinterest. Before you know it, an hour has passed by and you’ve lost count of how many pins you’ve just added to your account.

It’s great that you’re pinning. But it’s not so great if your account has crickets during the week then a massive spike on weekends.

For one, it can overwhelm your followers and cause you to look like you’re sending spam. Plus it will mean most of your pins don’t get seen because there’s too much going on. So this will decrease your overall ranking with Pinterest.

This is why you should be using a scheduler to automate your Pinterest growth. And the best part, you can still have those Saturday morning pinning sessions but with the right scheduler it will spread those pins out throughout the week. So it looks like you’re actively pinning every day and gives your pins more time to be seen and shared.

Smart scheduling

Thanks to Tailwind’s smart scheduling features you’ll never have to worry about whether you’re posting your pins at the right time.

Tailwind takes your data like what you pin about the most and when your audience is the most active. And then creates your schedule based on this data so you know that your pins are going out at the optimal time for your audience.

You can then edit your schedule whenever you like to add or remove slots. And the longer you use Tailwind, the more data it collects so it can recommend more suitable times.

automate your Pinterest growth


Pinterest is all about having a healthy mix of your own content plus content you curate from others. And thanks to Tailwind’s tribes this pinning strategy is so much easier.

You can join Tribes that are specific to the niches you post about the most. This way you don’t waste hours getting lost in a feed filled with irrelevant pins. Instead you go straight to your chosen Tribes in Tailwind and schedule pins from there.

And one of the greatest appeals about Tailwind Tribes is their strict pinning rules. You can only share your own content to the Tribes if you if you repin other people’s content in return. Unlike Group Boards which are largely about self promotion and can become quite spammy. Tribes give you a greater chance of having your own pins repinned because of the 1:1 pinning ratio.

Within your tribes you can also see who’s been repinning the pins you submitted so you can go back and show them some love as well.

automate your Pinterest growth

Here’s a few of my favourite Tribes:

Try them out and see how easy it is for you to automate your pinning strategy.

Official Pinterest Partner

One of the riskiest things online these days is using tools that go against the rules of the platform you’re using. With so many dodgy apps out there it’s important to stick by the rules to ensure you don’t risk losing your accounts.

So the best thing about Tailwind is you can have peace of mind that it’s an approved Pinterest partner. And by using this tool it means you’re one of the first to know about any important changes to the Pinterest platform as Tailwind will always keep you in the loop.

Board Insights

The stats on Pinterest are ok but they’re nothing compared to the extra data and analytics you get through Tailwind’s board insights. And we all know how important it is to understand what’s working and what isn’t so you can get even better results.

Board Insights will show you the number of pins that are on each board, repins, and followers. It will also let you see the trends of each variable in the past 7 days. You are also given a Virality Score (number of repins and pins) and your overall Engagement Score (which includes pins, repins, and follower growth). This way you can pinpoint which boards and pins are working the best and create more content like that.

Once you know which boards are performing the best on your account you can put more of your attention into making those boards even better. It can actually be detrimental to your growth and ranking if you pin to boards that are inactive or irrelevant so using these insights helps you to stay on top of everything. And focus your attention in the right places.

Pin from Instagram

Because Tailwind is also an official partner of Instagram this now gives you an opportunity to cross your content over both platforms. Making it easier than ever to get more exposure.

And provides yet another way to keep more active with your own content on Pinterest without having to constantly create fresh pins.

automate your Pinterest growth

And there you have it. All my top reasons for why you should use Tailwind to automate your Pinterest growth

Ready to use Tailwind?

Of course you are! They actually have a free trial which you can get started on right here. And because you’re a loyal follower of mine you’ll also get credit to go towards your first month if you decide to continue using Tailwind after the trial period ends.

Happy pinning. Have you used Tailwind before? What are some of your favourite features about this platform? I’d love to know about your experiences.

And as usual, if you like what you’ve read feel free to like, comment, or share. Your time reading my posts is greatly appreciated. ?

Struggling to grow on Pinterest? Here's all the reasons why you need to be using Tailwind to automate your Pinterest growth. Struggling to grow on Pinterest? Here's all the reasons why you need to be using Tailwind to automate your Pinterest growth. Struggling to grow on Pinterest? Here's all the reasons why you need to be using Tailwind to automate your Pinterest growth.

**Please note, there are affiliate links in this post. The services I have recommended are the services I personally use and honestly recommend to anyone wishing to start a business of their own. No extra costs are incurred for you; the referral commission simply contributes to bringing you valuable content. 

Struggling to grow on Pinterest? Here's all the reasons why you need to be using Tailwind to automate your Pinterest growth.

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