
Why Its Important To Have A Launch Plan For Your Course

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A digital strategist and transformation catalyst, merging a decade of corporate systems mastery with a profound journey of self-discovery. From navigating the high-stakes world of banking to making waves in high-ticket affiliate marketing, I'm now dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs through strategic digital innovations. 

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So you’re thinking about creating a course? Before you even get started on the work learn why it’s important to have a launch plan for your course.

So you're thinking about creating a course? Before you even get started on the work learn why it's important to have a launch plan for your course.

Picture this. You’ve spent months perfecting your digital course. You brainstormed the perfect topic, created all this wonderful content, recorded it all, uploaded it all to your course hosting platform and hit publish.

You have this huge sense of accomplishment. Your course is done. Woohoo. Now all you need is some students.

So you do a few posts to let people know your course is ready but no-one bites. Oh oh, you haven’t spent any time thinking about your launch plan.

So let’s cover an important topic.

Why it’s important to have a launch plan for your course

Now the beauty about online courses is it doesn’t really matter if you have a failed launch, because you can just keep launching over and over.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put some thought into this from the get go. Having a launch plan will ensure you get the results you desire.

Reason number one – Pricing

You need to know your numbers in order to price your course correctly.

Think of it this way. If you want to make $50k with your launch and you’re selling your course for $1k that means you need 50 people to purchase during your cart open phase. But if you wanted to make $50k and you’re pricing your course at $100 you’d need 500 people to purchase.

So knowing these numbers helps you to plan accordingly to ensure you have the right amount of lead in time to warm up your audience and get enough people excited about what’s coming.

If you didn’t think about these numbers and just decided to wing it, you’re going to have a difficult time measuring your success.

Reason number 2 – Excitement

We live in an age where people are overloaded with information. So it takes a lot more than just a couple of posts for them to buy something from you.

If you have a powerful personal brand and have done the work to create an engaged audience then it can help. But even still, to ensure maximum results you need to be generating a buzz long before your course even launches.

It’s important to think strategically and be intentional with your content. Knowing key dates about your launch and planning ahead makes it a lot easier for you to generate the right amount of buzz to ensure people are at the max level of excitement by the time your course is ready.

Reason number 3 – Content

If you plan ahead of time you will know all the content you need to create.

This will mean much less stress when it comes time to launch because all your content has already been planned out. And it’s ready to go.

Everything from photos, livestreams, blog posts, podcasts, emails etc. will have already been prepared to coincide with your important launch schedule dates.

Reason number 4 – Increased Revenue

Woah it sounds like there’s lots of work involved! Well yes, to begin with you’ll need to spend a bit of time growing your audience and generating excitement.

But once you learn how to launch, you can rinse and repeat that process over and over. It’s one of the easiest ways to scale and grow your business.

This isn’t a do it once and it’s over strategy where all your hard work goes to waste after you launch once. Instead, you’ll continue to reap the benefits (Think more revenue!) from your live launch efforts, again and again.

And that’s why it’s important to have a launch plan for your course.

You could have the most incredible digital course out there, but if you don’t have a strategy for launching it you’ll be stuck there refreshing your dashboard wondering why is nobody buying?!

That’s how important your launch strategy is.

And that’s why I love Amy Porterfield’s course because this is the first thing she teaches you before even diving into course creation mode.

Want to learn her exact launch strategies? Check out this amazing course which will teach you everything you need to know.

Don’t forget one of the most important factors to being able to sell a course is having an irresistible personal brand. And if you decide to sign up for the Digital Course Academy via my link you’ll get lots of extra branding bonuses as well. Can’t wait to help you create the brand and business of your dreams.

You can learn about all my bonuses and sign up right here.

Excited to seeing you build your brand and course and getting it all launched.

Jade xo

I hope you got lots of value out of this article. As usual, if you like what you’ve read feel free to like, comment, or share. Your time reading my posts is greatly appreciated. 
Why it's important to have a launch plan for your course

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